So it's been a little while since I sat down to scribe my adventures - and there have been plenty in the one week that I've been in Europe - so now's about as good a time as any.
Tuesday, February 1st
Gorgeous day |
According to several emails sent to exchange students by our contact at NOVA (my university in Portugal), February 1st was to be the day that we were able to add/drop courses from our schedules if we pleased. So I had every intention of getting up and being at school at 8am to try and switch some classes to get into others that I found more interesting since my first round at registration. Low and behold that did not happen. I eventually rolled out of bed and showered and got ready and probably left my apartment around 10:30am; only 3 hours later than I planned - NBD. I didn't exactly know where I was going but once again I had my trusty iPhone (who is seeming more and more deserving of a name these days - that's so Jaime of me) to guide me to my destination. Let the forward walking tour begin - though I do kind of miss leading prospectives backwards in high heels.
This is my mini heaven |
Let me start off by saying that Lisboa (as the Europeans say) is absolutely beautiful! The weather is sunny, the streets are clean, and the city is easy to navigate. After just one day of walking around I feel very comfortable here getting anywhere I wanted to go by foot, taxi, or metro. I wandered through so many parts of town, explored areas I probably won't ever need to go, and I got lost on purpose all in just a couple of hours. I eventually came to the main square or plaza in São Sebastião where I discovered a variation of a mall named El Corte Ingl
és. Inside there are department stores, a movie theater, a supermarket, electronics section, etc. Think Wal-Mart meets the Beverly Center and you'll probably have a semi-accurate depiction of this place.
If I get to live here, lock me up |
He probably wasn't thrilled
to be caught by my camera |
As I continued walking, there was this road that was not quite in the direction of my school but I was feeling adventurous so I decided to try it (if Jandro were there he'd say E-Brawn had arrived). So I walked up this hill whilst passing a possible mansion, some eye-catching graffiti, and the nicest police station I've ever seen to arrive at what I think is a prison. It's this huge castle like structure with barbed wire and a man wearing a "GUARDA PRISIONAL" jacket pacing in front of it so I just put two and two together. It's interesting how the prison is right there on a main street instead of tucked away in the boonies of nowhere like our inmates. Then, right in front of me, an eggshell C230 Mercedes-Benz, not unlike my baby Faith, pulled up to the light with none other than a "TAXI" sign on its roof. Of course I knew Mercedes-Benz are taxis in Europe (really nice E-class Mercedes-Benz to be specific) but it was still shocking to see my favorite cars reduced from their luxury status in America. But anywho...
Going back to the corner
where I first saw you... |
I was starting to get a little hungry as I usually eat breakfast before I leave the house and it had been about an hour and half since my eyes opened that morning. My tummy was starting to voice its contempt and I needed to silence it. I stopped by a nearby cafe and grabbed a ham croissant which foot the bill quite nicely. Around then I also decided I should get back on track and head to school. I took a turn down this hill which according to my iPhone (a name will be selected by the end of this post) was in the direction of school. But as soon as I turned the corner, I was distracted by my disbelief in Lisboa's ability to know exactly what kind of music I am obsessed with right now. I was just telling my boyfriend, Jared, how I'm on this whole The Script-Train-Maroon 5 kick right now and then the poster for their concert in Lisboa appeared! Amazing. I might actually see what I can do to make that Singles' Awareness Daydisplay of musical genius (otherwise known as Leah's birthday) . Come with me Deenz!
So continuing on my journey and one or two distractions later, I finally found campus - which surprisingly isn't a campus at all. It's an expansive lawn and one huge building where all of the business/economics classes take place for both grad and undergrad students. It's kind of cool that we're all in there together and since I went to high school in San Diego, I never experienced the single building-multi level aspect that many schools on the East Coast hold so dearly for those treacherous months of winter. But the building and the grounds are beautiful and I'm actually excited to go to school there. After hanging out in front of the building for a few minutes, I was seeing several people with binders and satchels, notepads and backpacks going in the building so I thought I'd go check it out.
Curiosity may have killed the cat but he must not have had my great instincts because after all of that waking up late and exploring and being lost and getting breakfast and ogling concert posters, I arrive at NOVA approximately 3.6497 hours later than I had planned but as soon as I stepped inside the building, who did I see coming around the corner? Charlie, James, and Sam - 3/4 of the boys from USC who are also studying abroad in Lisboa! Perfect. After meeting their new friends, Julian and Philipp, I decide to head out with them upon finding out that I cannot in fact change classes until orientation on the 10th.
Your highness |
Charlie decided to go sit in on a class that he was trying to get into with Julian and Phillip so Sam, James, and I walked and talked on our way toward El Corte Ingl
és to get Sam and me Portuguese cell phones. After that escapade and a detour to get me a European-to-American adapter plug, we headed to the metro station to go to the boys' hostel. They were staying there until they found a flat together which I've recently learned they've successfully secured. On the way out of the mall, we did pass through the supermarket level where there was an interesting display of stuffed pigs with fruit crowns in the window. I guess if you're going to die it's better to be ham royalty than lowly bacon.
Out of the metro |
It was my first time on the metro in Lisboa so the boys helped me get a day pass and learn the stops and all that jazz. It's really easy. The metro is such an awesome and fast way to get around the city - come on Los Angeles... let's get it together. The boys' hostel is in downtown Lisboa and the view coming out at that metro stop is incredible. The ocean is literally 3 blocks to the right and it's just a bustling metropolis of people and buildings and all of the touristy statues you can imagine. It's pretty great.
Yes, you're reading that bed right |
After hearing of Jared's experience with hostels in Amsterdam, I had very low expectations for the boys' hostel but I must admit I was very pleasantly surprised to find that it was a really nice place. It's called Yes! Hostel and I guess at night it turns into a bar and a big party downstairs in the lobby which sounds like a great way to meet people in the city. When we walking in there was great music playing, books, DVDs, and board games on the shelf, iMacs by the window, and all kinds of stuff ready and waiting in the lobby for guests to use. It's a pretty sweet set up. I hung out with the guys for a couple of hours there before heading back to my place to nap and get ready for the Erasmus (exchange student) party. It was turning out to be a pretty great day so I could only guess what fun the night had in store.
Hours later...
My first drink |
That night, when I met up again with the boys, the quartet was finally complete as Farbod had gotten to town that afternoon. We all headed to the Erasmus party and arrived at the club by the water around 1am just as our new friends Julian and Philipp were heading inside. Apparently the prime going out times in Europe are 1am-4am and maybe later. I could barely handle 11pm-2am in America. I need my rest people!
When we got there we were informed that everyone got a free sangria just cause. Anyone who knows me knows I do not drink. But I wasn't trying to get drunk or anything and it was free and I was curious and I'm in Portugal and what the heyy... so I went for it. When in Rome, right? I sipped on it slowly for about a half an hour to pace myself since it was my first time and to make sure I didn't get drunk - also because I hadn't eaten since my croissant that morning which isn't the best idea before drinking but I handled it like a pro. It was really good and I enjoyed the taste without feeling any effects of alcohol so I would consider that a success compared to some people we've all had the pleasure of witnessing on our beloved 28th street. Later I was also weaseled into doing a shot with some of the boys since Philipp decided to pay for them. I really tried to get out of it but it wasn't that much anyway (and Sam did back out of the bet that I couldn't wait until my birthday to have 2 drinks in one night) so nothing was really holding me back - but my taste buds should have. It was awful. Disgustingly vile. Why do people drink that stuff? Like eww. Come to find out it was Jameson Whiskey - "A man's drink" according to Charlie - and it was foul. Never again.
The old man is Antonio |
Those are the glasses |
The whole night we danced and laughed and met new people and chatted it up with the people we'd already met and just had ourselves a grand ol' time. There was this one girl that had on a yellow pair of sunglasses that just got passed around all night. I'm not sure how sanitary it is to have people sharing sweaty eyewear all night but it made for some great pictures if nothing else. It's pretty funny to me though that all of the music is in English because even if someone can't understand the English words I speak to them, we can end up in club together shouting the lyrics to Wonderwall (which did in fact happen). Oasis should be so proud that they're song transcends every language barrier and unites all lovers of music.
James... the heartbreaker |
But one of the funniest events from the whole night was a girl who took quite a liking to James. We had all made the distinction pretty early in the night that Farby is the only one out of the 5 of us that is not in a relationship (Jared, Hannah, Hilary, and [Charlie's girlfriend's name escapes me at the moment] would be proud of us). But of course because 4/5 of us are unavailable, one of us four is going to have to be idolized for the night. James captured the eye of a girl named Rita who waited a staggering 30 seconds after talking to James to confess that she was quote unquote "in love" with him. Now we're not gullible or cocky enough to think she literally meant love but she was definitely infatuated with James all night. He handled it like a champ though and let her down quick and easy letting her know he has a girlfriend. We applauded his skillful release of her lustful grip but the chase did last a good 15-20 minutes and definitely entertained the rest of us.
It was a pretty epic night given everything that happened afterward too: good drinks, great dances, awesome pictures, the walk home, our conversations about fútbol in the plaza (documented by my trusty Altria bloggie), my search for something yummy open at 5am, my walk through the streets while I waited for the metro to open at 6:30am, and the wonderful memories of our first night out together in this new country. I'm so excited to spend the next few months getting to know these guys, sharing great nights, and enjoying making memories we'll keep forever. This experience is what you make it and you get back what you put in. Well I just upped the ante cause I'm going all in - I'm pretty confident with the hand I've been dealt.
Trojans do it best |
P.S. my iPhone's name is Haley because it's my hero (but no worries Jimbo - you're still my numero uno)
P.P.S. Each of my post titles are that of a song I find appropriate so I'm going to start ending each post with its lyrics.
"Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it)
Luck and intuition play the cards" -Lady Gaga
EBRAWN!! haha keep living it up! and tell farbs I said hi :D hehe -Jandro